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Writer's pictureChaz Vossburg

The Case for Hybrid in a Post-Pandemic World

When Time announced “The World’s Largest Work-From-Home Experiment” in February 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, there was speculation and discussion about what it would mean to ‘work from home’ and if it might fundamentally change the way we do business in the future.  At the very least, it helped test the idea of a mixed or hybrid approach to work, and at an unexpected scale, to see if it were feasible long term and across industries.  

Results have varied, but many industries have discovered that maintaining the office as “the beating heart of the organization” is not as necessary as once thought.  Wellforce has spoken and consulted with dozens of organizations previously resistant to offering remote work as an option pre-pandemic. We have found the majority have come to recognize the operational and budgetary value and are in various stages of planning in providing at least some degree of flexibility, yet there is still strong skepticism.  Habits, for lack of a better term, are hard to break; generations of workers have always gone to an office.  But why?  Is it necessary?  Are there specific business-related reasons for this line of thinking?  For those not convinced, consider the following statement: 

“Remote and hybrid work models can lead to better business outcomes.”

Before most of us knew what COVID-19 was and what might happen over the next year-plus, Gallup released an article “Is Working Remotely Effective? Gallup Research Says Yes” in January 2020.  “Job flexibility engages remote workers-which drives performance,” is a core finding, backed up by statistics: 

  1. Remote workers can be 20-25 percent more productive than their onsite colleagues, and 

  2. Real estate expenses saved by each remote worker average $10,000 a year. 

  3. Employee turnover in companies that allow remote work is 25 percent lower than in companies that do not offer that option. 

  4. Employees who work remotely at least one day a month are “24 percent more likely to be happy and productive.” 

  5. 85 percent of businesses say that implementing flexible work locations has made their company more productive. 

  6. 75 percent of people who work remotely do so because there are fewer distractions. 

  7. 77 percent of employees say that working remotely will help their company lower operating costs. 

The numbers tell the story.  The traditional way of conducting business certainly has its place; history indicates as much.  However, as technology has removed borders and limitations that were once thought impediments, many find that the increased options create opportunities for businesses of all sizes in all kinds of industries to utilize services once thought to be the domain of only the large enterprises.   

It is also important to consider that Millenials and Gen Z have entered or are entering a workforce seismically changed by technology, and by 2025 they will comprise nearly 65% of the total workforce.  These statistics provide us with evidence of what they value, so it is crucial to understand this and how it applies to your business, both now and in the future.   

At Wellforce, our hybrid office experts can help you learn about and implement strategies, solutions, and technology that help you save money, increase productivity, lower employee turnover, and result in happier, less distracted workers.  We are with you every step of the way, providing support services and technology planning, helping you focus on what you do best. 

Hybrid is the future.  The future is now.  Contact Wellforce today for a free hybrid readiness assessment. 


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